Institute for Legal Informatics Research Research Projects
MAPPING - Managing Alternatives for Privacy, Property and INternet Governance

MAPPING - Managing Alternatives for Privacy, Property and INternet Governance

Led by:  Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó
Team:  Christian Hawellek, Dipl.-Jur. Jonathan Stoklas, Ass. iur. Friederike Knoke
Year:  2014
Funding:  3,995 Mio. EUR (Gesamtvolumen) ca. 396.000 EUR (IRI-Anteil) durch EU-Kommission
Duration:  03/2014 - 02/2018
Is Finished:  yes
Further information

The Project

Building on the results of several EU FP7 projects including CONSENT (covering on-line consent and privacy insocial networks), SMART and RESPECT (which cover smart and on-line surveillance, etc.) MAPPING’s goal is to create an all-round and “joined-up” understanding of the many and varied economic, social, legal and ethicalaspects of the recent developments on the Internet, and their consequences for the individual and society at large. MAPPING would specifically investigate and debate the existing innovation policies, business modelsand legal framework related to the implementation of the Digital Agenda for Europe and the changes needed to set up an improved governance structure for the EU innovation ecosystem. The key to MAPPING’s successwould be its planned mobilisation of a wide spectrum of ICT-related stakeholders and social actors from both EUMember States and associated countries, including academics, law and policy makers, ISPs, international andEU Internet governance bodies, NGOs and civil society organisations. The project would provide these actorswith a forum for informed discussion of issues related to the digital transition, such as problems of personal dataand IPR protection online, business models and e-government applications based on the use of personal data,economic exploitation of IPRs and open innovation. MAPPING would then move to create an Action Plan andput forward workable policy guidelines based on a multidisciplinary perspective on the latest and foreseeabledevelopments in ICTs taking into account conflicting interests, perceptions and practices of different societalactors that shape the EU’s technological future. MAPPING would thus significantly contribute to creating anenabling framework for completing the digital transition and improving the innovation climate in the EU.