
ZD-Aktuell; IRI-Panorama; Beck-Online ZD-Aktuell; IRI-Panorama; Beck-Online ZD-Aktuell; IRI-Panorama; Beck-Online © IRI

Newsletter of the journal "Zeitschrift für Datenschutz" (ZD)

Since 2010, the Institute for Legal Informatics has been contributing the monthly news section of the Zeitschrift für Datenschutz (ZD-aktuell), which is published by Beck Verlag, in the section "IRI - Panorama Datenschutz". It contains news and critical essays on current data protection issues, especially on technical and legal developments and case law. The news reports are prepared by staff members of the chair of Prof. Dr. Tina Krügel, LL.M.

Further information can be found in the module overview of the Beck-Online database.
Dr. Friederike Knoke
Research Staff